Support us

We work directly with disabled people of all ages, older people, and parents and carers of disabled children.
We have a number of services which promote independent living, we run our own care service to support older people in their own homes, have a carers' respite service to support families of those with dementia, and help to safely get people back home from hospital.

Last year alone we delivered over 53,000 hours of care to disabled people and those with care and support needs.

We also assisted almost 2,500 disabled people with information and advice to support them to continue to live independently.

Your assistance will help us to:

  • support more people now and in the future
  • raise awareness of disability, independent living and personalisation
  • increase independence through better care and support in our communitiesbreak down barriers and support the social model of disability
Smiling woman with Down syndrome wearing pink glasses, posing indoors.

Become a trustee

Independent Lives is looking to recruit new trustees to our board. We’re looking for enthusiastic and driven people who want to make a positive difference in our communities and have a genuine interest in our work.

Make a donation

Please donate today and help us to help others live their lives independently. Every donation, big or small, helps disabled people and those with health care needs to live the life they deserve.


There are loads of ways you can help raise funds for Independent Lives. Find out how you can support us and learn more about what we do to support our work.


Independent Lives are always looking for great people who can help create a better world for disabled people.

Friends of Independent Lives

Friends of Independent Lives is our free membership programme which aims to allow as many people as possible to help shape the services which we provide.