
Independent Lives is a user-led charity and social enterprise working to change the lives of disabled people, people with support needs and carers.

Our vision is for a fair society where we can all participate and fulfil our potential.

Working together we can achieve real change in the lives of the people we support - so that we can all participate in our communities and have greater choice, control, and freedom.

We provide a range of frontline services which support people and their communities. From domiciliary care support to respite support for carers, from information and advice for direct payment recipients to campaigns that promote the importance of peer leadership and strategic co-production. Independent Lives is a charity which really matters and really makes a difference.

Elderly woman with a cane being assisted by a caregiver in a social care setting, with others in the background.

Care service

We provide flexible, person-centred support to meet people’s individual needs and assist them to live independently in their own home.

Carers respite service

We provide activities for older people, people with support needs, and those living with dementia. The support we provide allows carers some time and space for themselves.

Direct Payment support services

We provide a range of services to support people who receive Direct Payments. Our trained advisors can give you the information and advice you need to employ your own personal assistants.

Home first service

We provide domiciliary care and support, enabling people to leave hospital and return to their own homes.

Campaigns and projects

We run a range of campaigns and projects aimed at raising disability awareness and tackling specific issues which improve people ability to live independently.