Raising a safeguarding concern
Independent Lives take safeguarding seriously. We maintain extensive safeguarding policies and procedures and regularly train our staff to manage safeguarding. On this page you will find some information on what to do if you are concerned about someones safety.
Raising a concern about an adult or child
If you have concerns about an adults or child’s safety or wellbeing you can report them using the safeguarding links below.
If someone is in immediate danger call 999
West Sussex
For adults
Please phone 01243 642121 or click the button below.
For children
Please phone 01403 229900 or click the button below.
East Sussex
For adults
Please phone 03456 080191 or click the button below.
For children
Please phone 01323 464222 or click the button below.
For adults
Please phone 02087 266500 or click the button below.
For children
Please phone 02082 552888 or click the button below.
For further information about safeguarding in West Sussex, please visit the West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board's website. You can also view the pan Sussex safeguarding leaflet here.
Useful information
There's a range of useful information online if you would like to find out more about safeguarding. Please use the links below to learn more.
Mind is a mental health charity provide information, guidance and support across the UK.
Relate offers counselling services for every type of relationship across England, Wales and Scotland.
Women's aid
Women's Aid provide life-saving services and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is a British child protection charity.
Mankind Initiative
The Mankind Initiative is the principal, expert and specialist charity in the UK focussing on male victims of domestic abuse.